Tag Archives: A cappella

Pitch Perfect: Off Key But Mesmerizing

We aren’t going to lie: we watch a lot of crappy movies. We are suckers for anything that involves singing and/or dancing, and Pitch Perfect, a movie about (no joke) an a cappella competition clearly fits the bill here. Additionally, we are strong supporters of Anna Kendrick, even though we don’t fully understand her career choices. Like, “Great, I was just nominated for an Oscar and starred in 50/50 with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and the Twilight franchise is finally ending! Clearly I should star in a terrible-looking a cappella movie!”

Fortunately Anna Kendrick can relax: Rebel Wilson (the roommate from Bridesmaids) is here to save the day and the movie. We are so excited for Pitch Perfect, y’all, and we aren’t even ashamed of it. Check out the trailer here:

How we can tell we are going to love this movie:

  • “Your official B.U. rape whistle.” Let us just say, we were not handed official rape whistles when we arrived at college. Missed opportunity.
  • Fat Amy calls herself that “so twiggy bitches like you won’t do it behind my back.” When Rebel Wilson shows up, you know good things are coming.
  • That shower scene. Ummm our reaction, were we to be walked in on by some rando in the shower, would NOT be to calmly sing and capitulate to the crazy’s wishes. Clearly, if there was ever a time for the rape whistle, this was it. However, we do like the fact that Anna Kendrick was basically just bullied into joining an a cappella group WHILE IN THE SHOWER. Promising things ahead, team. Also, promising shirtless guy.
  • “Oh, boy, the bad boys of a cappella have just gotten badder!” Everything about that quote is amazing. First of all, the fact that there are bad boys of a cappella is questionable at best. Secondly, “badder” isn’t a word, which really tells you everything you need to know about this movie.
  • The noises Rebel Wilson makes when talking about bikini car washes. Why is she so amazing???
  • Rebel Wilson horizontal running. Basically Anna Kendrick’s character, ostensibly the lead, is a sideshow in her own trailer… because Rebel Wilson just horizontal ran away with this movie.
  • Did Anna Kendrick just interrupt an a cappella version of Hey Mickey? Oh yes. She did. That’s how VITAL singing is to her.
  • “Let’s remix this business!” We’re going to start saying this in our day-to-day lives.
  • “You guys are gonna get pitch slapped so hard, your man boobs are gonna concave.” Rebel Wilson once again, ladies and gentlemen. We are strong supporters of puns.
  • “I sometimes have the feeling that I should do crystal meth, but then I think, mmmm, better not.” GUYS REBEL WILSON IS ROCKING THIS TRAILER SO HARD. She alone is clearly worth seeing this movie for.

Basically, even though Pitch Perfect is clearly going to be… less than perfect, we are seriously so excited for this movie. Singing, dancing, lots of laughs and a little romance… what more could you want in a fall movie? Rebel Wilson? So yeah, perfect.

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