Tag Archives: Horror

Does Anyone Actually Like Scary Movies?

We don’t like scary movies, and we’re not ashamed of it. We don’t really understand the purpose–so you go, and then you’re scared, but then it’s just a movie? Honestly, we’d rather just watch a rom-com. We’re fans of happy endings. And cute montages.

However, we are extremely committed to supporting our favorite actors as they attempt to broaden their careers. Which is why it is so frustrating that so many of them are now choosing to do scary movies. Really? How are we supposed to decide between seeing movies we know we won’t enjoy and supporting actors’ careers?

Actors who are currently making our lives more difficult than necessary:

1.) J-Law – Jennifer Lawrence, the star of that one giant franchise The Hunger Games decided to be part of a particularly disturbing (and ill-titled) movie called The House at the End of the Street. Trailer below.

WHAAAAT? Wasn’t that so scary? It is a serious tragedy for us, because first of all, it has Jennifer Lawrence who we like to support. We, along with like 12 other people (besides the Academy) actually saw Winter’s Bone. Additionally, with the great chemistry between Jennifer Lawrence and Max Thieriot (from Nancy Drew, yes we saw it – don’t judge) it looks like it could have been a great rom-com. We love rom-coms! Instead they are ruining our lives and trying to make us see a horror movie!

2.) Tom Felton – Literally everyone from our generation loves Harry Potter! How can you not? And watching the stars of the movie grow up was such a magical (ha!) process for us, because we were growing up too! Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Tom Felton…. we feel like we basically grew up with them! Of course we have to support their careers! Until of course they decide to start making scary movies. We are looking at you Daniel Radcliffe (we saw The Woman in Black and it was terrifying) and Tom Felton who is starring in the upcoming movie The Apparition.

Wait. What? If you believe in ghosts they are real??? ….We believe in ghosts…. FRIENDLY ONES. What happened to Casper????? We do not support this film.

3.) Ryan Kwanten. Although you might not know him by name, Ryan Kwanten plays Jason on True Blood and is by far one of the most consistent actors on that wildly uneven show–and one of the reasons we still watch it. We would like nothing more than for Ryan Kwanten to become a big star. BUT WHAT IS THIS???

No. No, no, no, no, no. We do not need more reasons to be scared of flying. We especially do not need to worry about ghosts the next time that we are on an international flight. We are busy concentrating very hard on making sure that the plane continues flying, and we don’t need ghosts DISTRACTING US. Who are these people, and why would they make this movie??

Between The Hunger Games and her Oscar nomination, Jennifer Lawrence is going to be a gigantic star whether or not we go see her horror movie. So fine, J-Law, we won’t feel bad about being too scared. But Tom Felton and Ryan Kwanten need our support (similar to Taylor Kitsch) in order to truly succeed in Hollywood! And yet… we really, really, really don’t want to see their movies. GUYS. Stop making it so hard to love you!

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